Great thoughts about Physics

"We are all agreed that your theory is crazy.  The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct."
                Niels Bohr (referring to a paper by Wolfgang Pauli)

(Assignments like "crazy" or "speculative" are often based on the currently doctrinated concept which in the long term perspective may occur wrong).

Isaac Newton envisages absolute space as an absolute order of “places”; this order of places is a “primary” system to which motion ultimately can be referred [1].

Michael Faraday, (who) introduced the concept of "lines of force" to demonstrate how electric and magnetic forces are transmitted between particles in an ambient medium, and to represent the disposition of these forces in space. William Thomson elaborated upon Faraday's work by arguing that the electromagnetic field could be represented as a system of vortices in the ether; later, he viewed the ether as a plenum in which forces acted in an ethereal continuum. James Clerk Maxwell translated Thomson's vortices into a mechanical model that represented the action of the field in transmitting forces by the action of particles in the ether [2].

James Clerk Maxwell (1853-1879): "The Theory I propose may ... be called a Theory of the Electromagnetic Field because it has to do with the space in the neighborhood of the electric or magnetic bodies, and it may be called a dynamic theory, because it assumes that in that space there is a matter in motion, by which the observed electromagnetic phenomena are produced" [3]...

"In speaking of the Energy of the field, however, I wish to be understood literally. All energy is the same as mechanical energy, whether it exists in the form of motion or in that of elasticity, or in any other form. The energy in electromagnetic phenomena is mechanical energy." --- James Clerk Maxwell [4]

Maxwell criticism to the opponents: "But in all these theories the question naturally occurs: - If something is transmitted from one particle to another at a distance, what is its condition after it has left the one particle and before it has reached to the other?... Hence, all these theories lead to the conception of a medium in which the propagation takes place, and if we admit this medium as an hypothesis, I think it ought to occupy a prominent place in our investigations, and that we ought to endeavor to construct a mental representation of all the details of its action, and this has been my constant aim in this treatise" [5]

Nikola Tesla (1894): I think they (laws) could all be reduced to one (On a Brisbane's question (The New York World magazine)  about half-dozen fundamental laws governing the Universe) [15]. (the one fundamental law is the law of Super Gravitation according to BSM, by S. Sarg)

H. A. Lorentz (1924): One of the lessons which the history of science teaches us is surely this, that we must not too soon be satisfied with what we have achieved. The way of scientific progress is not a straight one which we can steadfastly pursue. We continually seeking our course, now trying one path and then another, many times groping in the dark, and sometimes even retracting our steps. So it may happen that ideas which we thought could be abandoned ones for all, have again to be taken up and come to new life [6].

Max Planck: "An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out and that the growing generation is familiarized with the idea from the beginning."

R. A. Millikan (1926): (The Compton's discovery) was a discovery  of the very high magnitude , one of whose chief values may be to keep the physicist modest and undogmatic, still willing, unlike some scientists and many philosophers, not to take himself too seriously and to recognize that he does not yet know much about ultimate realities [7].

Nikola Tesla (1931): The conception, the idea when it first burst upon me was a tremendous shock. I can only say at this time that it will come from entirely new and unsuspected source and will be for all practical purposes constant day and night. The apparatus for capturing the energy and transforming it will partake of both mechanical and electrical features. At first the cost may be found to be too high but this obstacle will be overcome. The installation will be indestructible and will continues to function for any length and time without additional expenditures. It is nothing to do with atomic energy [8].

Albert Einstein (1920): To deny Ether is ultimately to assume the empty space is not (with) physical quality. The fundamental facts of (Quantum) Mechanics do not harmonizes with this view. According to the General Relativity, space is embodied with physical quality. In this sense, therefore, there exists Ether. According to General Relativity, space without Ether is unthinkable (Eistein monograph [16] and  documented video clip of public talk [17]).

Albert Einstein (1934): It would of course be a great step forward if we succeeded in combining the gravitational field and the electromagnetic field into a single structure. Only so could the era in theoretical physics inaugurated by Faraday and Clerk Maxwell be brought to a satisfactory close. [12].

A. Einstein, B. Podolsky and N. Rosen (1935): (In a paper "Can Quantum-mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?", the authors write): "Every element of the physical reality must have a counterpart in the physical theory" [9]

P. R. Holland (1994): Quantum mechanics is undoubtedly our most successful scientific theory. At the same time, it is a bizarre theory, so bizarre that, according to Richard Feynman, a master of quantum calculation, "nobody understands quantum mechanics" [10]

A. Sakharov (citation by H. E. Puthoff, 1997) "Searching to derive Einstein's phenomenological equations for general relativity from a more fundamental set of assumptions, Sakharov came to the conclusion that the entire panoply of general relativistic phenomena could be seen as induced effects brought about by changes in the quantum-fluctuation energy of the vacuum due to the presence of matter" [11]

A. Einstein view  about the General Relativity (citation by H. E. Puthoff, 1997) "With the rise of special relativity which did not require reference to such an underlying substrate, Einstein in 1905 effectively banished the ether in favor of the concept that empty space constitutes a true void. Ten years later, however, Einstein's own development of the general theory of relativity with its concept of curved space and distorted geometry forced him to reverse his stand and opt for a richly-endowed plenum under the new label spacetime metric" [11].

Frank M. Meno (1991): "I can therefore be hoped that physics could again be pursued in the manner that Newton and Maxwell envisioned, without the occultism that is currently in vogue" [13]

Dave Pressler (2002): (Extraction from his article "The Greatest Math Error")."FALLACY OF AMBIGUITY occurs when a word or phrase is used with one meaning in one premise, and with another meaning in another premise or in conclusion. Logical errors are very common in everyday discussions. ...There is not evidence that the space in our universe has more than these three dimensions... Math and reality can have a one-to-one relationship, yet math does not represent reality, what is real, on a fundamental level. In reality, all material physical bodies have extension in three directions....Science fiction relies on warp drive to zoom and jump around through inter-dimensional or sub-space. Mathematical theory and science fiction allows for the fabrication of these arbitrary fanciful dimensions, however, there is no physical evidence to support these types of constructs" [14]


[1]. Eric Voegelin (1901-1985)

[2]. Diane Greco, M.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology



[5]. Maxwell J. C., A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. 2, (Dover Publications, New York, 1954) p. 493. (see scanned image)

[6]. Lorentz H. A., Nature113, p. 608 (1924)

[7]. Millikan R. A., The last Fifteen Years of Physics, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. 65 p. 76 (1926)

[8]. Hunt I. and Draper W. W., Lighting in his hand the life story of Nikola Tesla, Sage Books, Denver1964, (Library of Congress Cat. No: 64-66184), (original source: Tesla at 75, Time, July 20, 1931, pp. 27-30)).

[9]. Einstein Albert et al., Physical Review, v. 47, 777-780 (1935)

[10]. Holland P. R., Science, 263, 254-255 (1994)

[11]. Puthoff H. E, Can the Vacuum be Engineered for Spaceflight applications, NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics, conference at Lewis Res. Center, 1977

[12]. Albert Einstein: Essays in Science, p. 19; Philosophical Library, NY, 1934.  

[13]. Meno, Frank M, A Plank-Length Atomistic Kinetic Model of Physical Reality, Physics Essays, 4, p. 94 - (1991)

[14]. Pressler, D., The Greatest Math Error, Journal of Theoretics, vol. 5-1, from a lecture at the 12th Midwest Relativity Meeting at Chicago University in 2002.

[15]. Arthur Brisbane, "Our Foremost Electrician, in The World, New York, N. Y.: July 22, 1894, p.17 (cited in Lighting in his hand the story life of Nikola Tesla, by Inez Hunt and Wanetta Draper, Sage books, Denver, 1964, pp. 87).

[16] A. Einstein, Sidelights on Relativity, translated by: G. B. Jeffery and W. Perret, Methuen & Co. London, (1922); republished unabridged and unaltered: Dover, New York, (1983)

[17] Documented video clip of public talk of Albert Einstein, Lightworks audio & video, "Free energy the trace to zero point", available from PACE

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